What a fabulous week! I love when all my planing and efforts comes together in an exciting and wonderful way. This week was the culmination of much of my professional work. Good things have happened!
Student Work Sample |
This was my last week at WFHS. I had so much fun and have grown so much by being back in the classroom. I ended my eight weeks at WFHS with a belated Mardi Gras celebration in my French classes. It was very rewarding to see the students passionately seek out learning independently. I gave them very little direction and few requirements. I only told them that they had to present some aspect of Mardi Gras or Francophone carnival celebrations. I also asked them to include references and gave them a few examples of possible lines of research. Most students produced excellent PowerPoints. Students presented research on music, dance, food, symbols, and historical figures. I was particularly impressed by a group of three students who presented the history of the Mardi Gras theme song and then, with a clarinet and key board, performed it for us live. I am working on uploading a video of their performance. It was deeply fulfilling to observe their enthusiasm.
The best part of my week was a phone call from one of my student's parents. She called to thank me for helping her son. He had failed Spanish 1 and had a failing grade when I arrived in Spanish 2. When I left this week, he had a low B. He had told her that I, ".... just made him understand things." I honestly attribute the progress that "my" students made to the use of graphic organizers. I presented the information in many different ways, and then reviewed and summarized the information in a graphic organizer. This practice works and I am so fulfilled knowing that I was able to help my students grow and learn. Given that I don't know Spanish all that well, I feel very accomplished.
The Writing Process |
I'm really benefiting from reading BLOGS. I found a great one (
The Rapid E-learner) and have been learning a tremendous number of graphic tricks that I am using in my class. I created two news announcements that I think will really catch my student's eye. This might sound a rather superficial effort to help, but I've tried many other avenues to convey these messages. I'm hoping that these graphics will catch their attention long enough that the message gets through.
How to Succeed in Class |
I made this graphic using PowerPoint and using some of the tricks presented by the a fore mentioned blog. I can not know why, but my students seem to "forget" the writing process. They either skip the steps or begin the process and then stop. I need to examine the possible reasons for this. I do think that the directions can be presented more clearly, maybe using a graphic like this with hot spot links to the documents and D2L tools required to complete the process.
At home, things continue to be busy and productive. Trey had a jump rope fund raiser at school. He practiced jumping all week. Davin went in to school and surprised Trey by jump roping with him. I am so grateful to have such a loving husband and good father like Davin. Trey absolutely giggled with delight telling me about the experience.
The big tennis Mardi Gras party is tomorrow. I'm looking forward to some team tennis. I managed to get everything prepared and will take lots of pictures. The weather looks good and we should have a great day!
I have also been busy getting all the paperwork and other preparations for the USTA state 3.0 tournament in May 5-9 in Rome, GA. Looks like most of the team will be going. Should be fabulous fun!
Next week is the start of the ALTA women's tennis season. I'm playing line 2 on my Thursday women's team. I'm looking forward to getting back in shape and enjoying my days. I think my days as a stay-at-home mom/tennis player are numbered!
I submitted my admissions essay to Valdsota State University. I am applying for admission to the
EdS in Instructional Technology program. Wednesday is the deadline for all admission's materials. Hopefully I will hear quickly about my application. Think good thoughts on my behalf!
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