
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Synergy Explosion

Wow!  Things seem to really inter-relate lately.  So many of the threads in my academic studies are crossing into my practice at the Georgia Virtual School.  Check out some of the things that I'm doing.


I'm taking two classes at Valdosta State University this fall as part of my EdS in Instructional Design:  8100, a theory class and 8200, an introduction to common practices course.  In 8100, we are studying the five domains (Design, Development, Utilization, Management, and Evaluation) and the theories that support each.  Right now, we are discussing applications of the Information Processing Theory and Constructivism.

Interestingly enough, Constructivism is also a prominent theory in language acquisition.  Many of applications of this theory in Instructional Design (ID) are also best practices in language instruction.  Please see my reflection:

In 8200, we are focusing on creating a course using the ADDIE model of ID.  My goal is to make assessing student's verbal communication in World Languages faster and easier for instructors at the Georgia Virtual School.

I will be demonstrating how to create and use a web tool called Voicethread ( I will be teaching instructors to apply a procedure to create a tool for assessing students. There is no hierarchical range of taxonomies in this procedure. Every step of the process falls under intellectual rule using in Gagné's taxonomy. It is a step by step method to produce some discernible end. It is linear and has directional flow. Each step must be completed sequentially. The process has a definitive beginning (create a Voicethread account) and ending (embed the Voicethread in a news announcement or homepage widget). Therefore, I will use Procedural Task Analysis.

I am in the analysis stage.  I have conducted a needs analysis and estimate that I will save my organization  over half a million dollars annually as follows:

There are two major sources of monetary loss in the process of conversational assessment are:  loss of time and frustration to teachers. 

Using Voicethread could recover a "Loss of time" of 5 minutes (12-7) per student.  With an average of 50 students per teacher in each class, this  equates to a potential loss of 250 minutes per class.  Georgia Virtual School (GVS) teaches approximately 54 classes per year.   Assuming an average teacher salary of $48,300 (See that equates to 250 hours per year at an average teacher cost of  33.54 per hour (48,300/(9 months x 4 weeks x 40 hours)=48,300/1,440) or $8,385 per year per teacher.  Multiple that figure by the 54 classes costs $377,325 per annum.
"Frustration to teachers" can be measure in terms of opportunity cost.  The opportunity cost of completing other activities is equivalent to "loss of time" so the $377,325 can be used to capture this cost.

Loss of time $377325
Diminished Quality of Feedback  $377325
Total Cost  . $745,650 for 45 teachers per annum

Lastly, I am taking the last of my required on-line certification courses.  The class at RESA is also requiring development of one unit of a course.  I plan to complete the first chapter of my game/problem based plan for a French 1 class "Mission Possible."

Coincidentally, I attended an i-Nacol webinar on the topic of Competency-based Learning: Highlights of Promising Practices and Policy Frameworks.  I'm trying to align a problem based lesson with the competencies described in the GPS and with the best practices in constructivism within the frame work of online education.  Interesting stuff!

So far, so good.  Reporting on my goals:
  • 80% passing rate-  Right now, I've got at least 80% of the class passing.  It's been an effort of assimilation.  Most of the students just don't understand how to use the course schedule and online tools.  I'm confident that I will achieve this goal.
  • Want students to take Le Grand Concourse through AATF-I think I may have missed the boat on this one, at least for this semester. It appears that the test is administered in the Spring. I will follow up with my department chair about doing this in the Spring.
  • Want to use TPRS in one synchronous session.-Since we are migrating to Adobe Connect, this might be a great chance to use our new tool to try TPRS in a live session.  Working on it.
  • Want to enhance the WL department website

We ended the USTA season with a run to the semi-finals for city playoffs.  We all improved this season and should dominate next season.  I want another trip to States.

I started off my Fall ALTA season with a loss on Thursday and a win on Sunday.  Sunday was my first victory at A7, so I can now legitimately call myself an "A" level player (he-he)!  As team, both my Sienna Thursday ladies and Hampton Sunday women won.  Off to a very strong start!

Life is as crazy as always.  We are a busy family!

Trey is playing baseball.  His first game was last night.  I'm proud to say that he connected with the first pitch nicely his first time ever at bat.  I think we have a promising batter on our hands.

Davin and Trey are participating in Cub Scouts.  Davin is co-den leader.  Trey missed the first meeting with a cough and fatigue, but Davin managed to pick up his first assignment and possible crafts badge.  We are working on it!